
Come check out my shop on etsy!
I love to crochet projects for friends and family and finally got brave enough to sell them.
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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Crochet FREE hat patterns!

Hello fellow bloggers!
Dang I have been gone for WAAAAY to long.  I started working and I even opened up my own etsy shop! < Here it is! I would love it if you checked it out.
Granted I only have 2 things posted so far BUT I am working on building up my store.

So here's what I have tested and am happy to show you guys!

Okay so here are all the things I've tested out:

^ This website here is GREAT for sizing hats.  I use it ALL the time and I wanna give props to this blogger for being so helpful.  Check it out it'll save you SO much time.  I promise you that.

Okay so here is the first pattern I did:
Ribbed Beanie:
Great thing about this is that she shows you how to do it and you can make it for any size.  Plus it's FREE!

Drops Purse Pattern
Now I alternated this purse a bit.
The original pattern asked for 140 stitches in the pattern and I only did 100 stitches as the base.
I didn't want it so big so that's how I fixed it :) < This link here is so you can see it on my pinterest the version I did. < This is the FREE pattern.

Headband pattern:

Oh my goodness I LOVE these type of headbands!  Seriously it is so nice to finally be able to make my own.
I've made several but I don't have pictures that I've taken.  Sorry!

Shelled beanie
I LOVED this hat so much, I'm going to try and make one for myself!  It was super easy to follow and I really enjoyed how you can make different variations of it too.
*Only thing I changed on my hat was instead of slip stitching on the bottom, I did a back post crochet with single crochet stitches.