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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

DIY makeup remover

Test #2 went surprisingly well. I honestly thought that it would direct me to use odd ingredients but the choices were fairly simple.

Now I didn't have an overly large container for the whole "ten parts water" so I had a 4 oz bottle and put about .5 or 1/2 of an oz of the baby, tear-free shampoo and filled the rest with water. Now I was pretty skeptical that this would work honestly. But surprisingly it did! It's the first time I've had a make up remover that took all of it off without leaving any makeup. I did use 2 cotton balls on one of my eyes but it worked beautifully. I highly recommend it.

So here's what it required:

  1. 1 part baby, tear-free, shampoo( I used Parent's Choice Wash & Shampoo, hypo-allergenic,scent free, tear free.) Nice thing about this particular type is that you can use it on your face too not just your eyes. An added bonus!
  2. 10 parts water
  3. 1 bottle of your choice size to put it in. ( I used one I had gotten from the dollar store)|
  4. Cotton balls
Now I know it's tempting but do NOT use baby oil!!! I read up on this and it turns out using any type of makeup remover that has oil in it is terrible for they eyes. It builds up and the only way to remove it is by getting EYE SURGERY. so you have been warned.

 Step 1: Now again, I have a 4 oz bottle, so I put the shampoo right to were my finger is or just at the end of the label.

Step 2: Fill the rest of the bottle with water

Step 3: Shake to mix and you're done!

If you have any questions or requests let me know!
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