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I love to crochet projects for friends and family and finally got brave enough to sell them.
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Monday, May 20, 2013

Lemon-Garlic Chicken! In the crockpot or in the oven!

Alright so I've been on a huge kick lately of testing recipes.

The one we are testing today came about because I've been in charge of dinner a lot lately and needed something that would satisfy everyone to there ideal taste and also help budget wise.

Here is a recipe I found on pinterest:


Budgetsavydiva is a great site that has a lot of different ways to help save money.  I highly recommend looking them up!

*The pinner I got this from said that she added 1/4 cup of water into the crock pot and didn't use ANY oil.  And that she cooked it on low for 8 hours.

What I"m going to do is I"m going to do just that except I'm going to cook it on high for 6 hours but keep and eye on it so that it doesn't dry out or overcook.

So here's the ingredients:
4 pieces of boneless, chicken breasts
Parsley (I wanted at least one more seasoning but you don't have to add this.)
Lemon (Juice and Zest
1 CLOVE of garlic.

Step 1: put 1/4 cup of water into crockpot
Step 2: Lay chicken breasts as flat as you can in crock pot (makes it easier when adding the rest of ingredients on top for even coating)
Step 3: Season chicken with Salt and Pepper
Step 4: Mince garlic
Step 5: Zest and Juice Lemon
Step 6: Combine Lemon/garlic and add just a few sprinkles of parsley
Step 7: Take garlic and lemon juice/zest, parsley and pour on top of chicken.
Step 8: Set crockpot after placing lid on top for 6 hours


Now make your favorite sides and enjoy!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Bacon- wrapped chicken...with a walnut, butter filling?

Alright so here's how this test came about.
I was looking for a recipe that I could do for dinner yesterday and I came across this one a few days before.  I hadn't looked into it to much which was a mistake on my part because you have to understand that my husband hates cream cheese, sour cream, mayo, ranch, salad dressing and tomatoes.
I happened to look at the recipe after I put the chicken into a bowl to thaw out.  And there was cream cheese.  Great.
I mentioned all the above things my husband doesn't like because almost every recipe I found as a filling for chicken stuffed recipes had one of the above mentioned.
I eventually gave up on not finding one that didn't have cream cheese and decided instead of that I would just use butter to replace it and then use the other ingredients.
I know the filling sounds interesting but that's what made this taste so good!

Long explanation later..... this is what I did.

Original recipe I wanted to use:

2nd recipe that I altered the filling of


  • 6 medium, boneless chicken breasts

CUT IN HALF and FLATEN to a 1/2 inch
Makes 12 pieces.

12 pieces of bacon strips

*Trust me when I say this.  6 pieces is not enough for 3 people.

*When making the filling keep wet and dry separate.  It's easier to portion on each half.

Wet ingredients

  • 1/2 a stick of butter (melted)
  • 1/4 tsp cajun
  • 1/2 tbls of Parmesan
  • Pinch of salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/4-1/2 tsp of oregano
dry ingredients:

  • 1/2 tbls of basil
  • 2 tbls of crushed walnuts
  • 3 tbls of bread crumbs ( I used plain, progresso brand)
  • 1/2 tsp of parsley
  • salt and pepper to taste ( yes I mentioned it twice)
Step 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees and grease a 9x13 dish.
Step 2. Take chicken breast and cut in half.  Once done flaten them with a meat hammer to 1/2 inch.
Step 3. Melt in a small bowl and then combine cajun, parmesan, salt, pepper and oregano
Step 4. mix all dry ingredients together. Basil, walnuts, bread crumbs, parsley, salt and pepper.
Step 5. Take now flattened chicken and spoon on butter mixture. And with a separate spoon, portion out the dry ingredients.
*It's done this way because that way you'll get the nice texture and even mix so that way it won't be soggy when you cook it. 
Step 6. After all pieces of chicken halves are done.  Roll them up and wrap around a piece of bacon.
Step 7. Now seem side down, place the chicken in previously greased pan. 

Bake for 35-40 minutes uncovered. Then remove oven and place in another dish.  There will be lots of bacon grease and you don't want the chicken to get soggy on the bottom. 
Once transfered to another dish, put back in oven and broil for 5-6 minutes or until bacon is crispy.
*Keep an eye on the oven because the bacon grease most likely touched the heating element and you don't want to start a fire.  Broiling can do that  :P

And Voila!  
I served mine with Rice that had olive oil, sea salt and herbs de provence on them and caramelized carrots.  

My family actually like it considering that it had such an interesting twist in them.  I wish I would have made more!

Finished product!

I cook everything in a glass dish because all we have here at the moment is dark pans and that always burns my food. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Fejiao (brazillian black beans)

So were moving onto some food recipes that I'm testing and some of them actually came out pretty good!

Here is one we did last night and let me tell you, it was super yummy and it's definitely one that I will repeat.


Pin source:

Now I don't have a picture of it sadly because I didn't think about it until after I ate all of it :p
I did do some variation because the original recipe was for a slow cooker but i did mine on the stove top

Ingredients: (I used)
2 cans ( 15 oz each) black beans
garlic powder
bay leaves
olive oil
1 yellow chopped onion
salt and pepper to taste

I didn't actually measure anything to be honest.  The original recipe says that you need about a pound of black beans which is about one can of beans.

Step 1:
Drain and rinse black beans
Step 2:
Cook black beans til finished
Step 3:
In a deep saute pan, put olive oil pan and cook chopped onions on medium heat SLOWLY. It's to ensure even cooking and you'll be mixing everything together so you don't want to overcook these.
Step 4:
Once onions are done, take the rest of the ingredients and put them in with the onions and cook for about a good 5 ish minutes or until the cilantro is dark green and the rest of the ingredients are well incorporated.

Voila! Your done!
I served this over a batch of rice and let me tell you, it was again very amazing!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Weaved bacon!

Sorry that I've epically sucked at posting lately. I've heen testing different ideas from pinterest.

So you all know the pictures you see of waved bacon? Well I looked and found several ideas on cooking time and things.
Here's what I did:
Just bacon

Pam cooking spray
Cookie sheet

Preheat oven to 350ºf
Step 1. Put a layer on the pan. Simple.
Step 2. Spray pam on tinfoil. It's extra insurance that the beautiful bacon won't stick. Yes I love bacon enough to call it that.
Step 3. Basket weave your bacon
Step 4: put in oven and cook between
15-25 minutes. Honestly depends on the oven you have.
I cut mine in half so I could put it on some english muffins. Now I have it in every bite!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sorry for delay

I'm really lagging on posting the last update I did.  I can't find my pictures I took of it so I"m going to just probably post the finished product so you can see what I did.  I am currently working on a shoe pattern right now and I just finished making a 2 recipes from pinterest that I know I have pictures of (somewhere)

See my phone had a major melt down and it was my camera so I had to get a new one so finding pictures is going to be tricky since I had to switch. But don't worry I'm still alive and doing projects!!!