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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Baby oil....for shaving your legs with?

Soooo I'm not going to post pictures of my nasty, pasty-white legs for this one ;p

So you guys all know that baby oil is what you lather up your wee one with so that they can keep their skin moist and protected right?
 I never used mine on my baby because she has sensitive skin and oil is a pain in the butt to clean up anyway.  Especially on clothes so how would it affect my legs if I shaved with it?

Now the story behind this for me is that oiling your razor or "greasing it" will help it to stay sharp.  Makes sense because you have to keep it from dulling or else you have to go spend money buying another head for it or another razor all together.

So I went ahead with the pin idea because I'm a penny pincher, and if I can go and save some money, I will.

K so it's pretty basic on how this works out.

Step 1:
Put a dime to quarter sized amount on your leg and rub in

Step 2:
Shave legs

Step 3:
Rinse off


So I can say that it DID give me a closer shave and my legs are JUST starting to feel prickly to me.  That was about 3-4 days ago.  But I honestly don't want to do this to often for a few of these reasons....

The pros and cons to this method to me.

  • Closer shave
  • makes razor last longer
  • skin is silky smooth afterwards


  • Leaves bathtub EXTRA slick from the oil
  • Can hurt your skin if you use to much
  • Pain in the REAR to clean up the shower
  • Gummed up my razor and I couldn't get the extra out :/

Main issue here is that it can be harmful to use to often. As it can clog up your pores and make it to were your skin get's dry and you have a bigger problem with itching and all kinds of nasty things.  UGH!  It's not the best thing in the world to have zits or pimples on your legs which you CAN get there.  And it's NOT fun to shave. If I even do this again, I'll probably end up shaving over a wide bucket so that it'll be easier to clean.
So use sparingly.  Every once in a blue moon wouldn't hurt to use.


  1. I did thus and it gave me SUPER PAINFUL RAZOR BURN!!!! DO NOT USE! AND RED BUMBPS ALL OVER MY BEAUTIFUL LEGS :'( now i dont know what to do since i have this even tonight and my legs are all red with bumps and i have to wear a above the knee dress. Do not use!!!

    1. My goodness that's awful! I haven't tried it since then because I slipped in the bathtub when I was trying to get out because of the stupid oil. :/

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