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Monday, March 4, 2013

DIY Fixing squeaky doors

Pin: Fixing squeaky doors
15 tips for olive oil and it's uses.
It's easy as 1-2-3!
I was effortless and I didn't have to do anything special to do this.
Most products will tell you to let it sit a while and to be careful when spraying and so forth and so on.  But this DIY fix up for the hinges was perfect for a simple project.
See all that rust in there? The olive oil actually cleaned it up for me!

I tested this one already months before I got this blog up so I could see the REAL results.
Here is what I used for this test:
Olive oil
Small bowl
Paper towels

Yep. That's it.

Now I didn't know how my hinges to the doors in our bedrooms would look or react and I didn't know if my mother in law would appreciate me using her oil either :p But I can say that she didn't mind it at all when she saw the results.

So it's pretty simple really.  Anything oil based like let's say...Baby oil, olive oil, Pam spray etc.  These will all work.  And I can tell you that I did this test about 2 months ago and we STILL don't have ANY squeak from these doors.

  1. To do this all I did was put a little bowl underneath the hinges as I dropped oil down them.  
  2. Next I swung the door back and forth to get the hinges greased.  
  3. Wiped up what as left\

And PRESTO! No squeaky doors and like I said its' been going strong for over 2 months now.  And I didn't have to go to the store for any special solvent or clean my hinges at all.

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